About Healing a Woman's Soul
Healing a Woman’s Soul, Inc. (HAWS), a Christian Ministry to help heal women who are victims of domestic violence, is dedicated to fighting domestic violence – one person and one parish at a time. We believe that no wounding is beyond God’s power to heal. Our job is to make God’s healing available to all who hurt.
Healing A Woman’s Soul helps parishes and individuals prevent domestic violence one woman at a time by:
Secular agencies for the prevention of domestic violence offer physical and emotional aid to victims. However, they cannot provide the ongoing spiritual healing needed.
Healing a Woman's Soul aims to help parishes fill that gap. We began as a ministry of Christ Church, Coxsackie in 2007 and saw ourselves as a woman’s retreat ministry. In summer of 2007, a group of women gathered to vision the future of Healing a Woman’s Soul. As a result of that meeting, we kept our emphasis on retreat ministry but added education and training about domestic violence to parishes. In addition to helping parishes, Healing a Woman's Soul works directly with victims in halfway houses and shelters.
Healing A Woman’s Soul helps parishes and individuals prevent domestic violence one woman at a time by:
- Praying for individuals
- Offering support groups
- Guiding parishes in active outreach to victims.
Secular agencies for the prevention of domestic violence offer physical and emotional aid to victims. However, they cannot provide the ongoing spiritual healing needed.
Healing a Woman's Soul aims to help parishes fill that gap. We began as a ministry of Christ Church, Coxsackie in 2007 and saw ourselves as a woman’s retreat ministry. In summer of 2007, a group of women gathered to vision the future of Healing a Woman’s Soul. As a result of that meeting, we kept our emphasis on retreat ministry but added education and training about domestic violence to parishes. In addition to helping parishes, Healing a Woman's Soul works directly with victims in halfway houses and shelters.